

CMHA branches across Manitoba offer a variety of services. Our services are informed by CMHA’s Framework for Support and the recovery model as a basis for working with people with mental health illnesses and challenges.

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Workplace Solutions

CMHA Manitoba and Winnipeg is committed to helping workplaces become environments where employees’ mental health is protected and promoted. We have the skills and expertise to help employers of any size make this a reality in their organization. Our suite of workplace solutions include education for staff and leadership, training, organization assessment and tailored consulting services to fit your unique needs.  

The Standard

CMHA branches in Manitoba offer services to workplaces based on the National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety. The Standard provinces a framework for organizations to develop and maintain healthy work environments that promote good mental health and prevent psychological injury. 

Introduction to Psychological Health & Safety in the Workplace (1-3 hours)  


An informational session for key leaders in your organization to learn about the history and development of the National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety. This session includes an overview of The Standard and review of the 13 psychosocial factors that influence the workplace and affect employee well-being. 


Understanding Mental Health in the Workplace (1-3 hours)  


An interactive educational opportunity for staff at all levels in your organization to learn about the importance of mental health at work and strategies for maintaining work/life balance. This session includes tips for identifying employees who may be struggling, how to start a conversation about mental health at work, and practical exercises you can use every day to look after your mental health.  



Psychological Health & Safety Certification Training  


This 2-day course provides an opportunity for participants to learn how to assess organizational readiness for change, implement evidence-based methods to analyze the impact of mental health in a workplace, and make targeted recommendations to implement The Standard and improve the psychological health and safety of workers.


To find out more about the RRC micro-credential visit RRC Micro-Credentials Health Sciences.

Readiness Assessment  


A series of initial consultations with a consultant from CMHA to assess the readiness of your organization to implement The Standard.  


Organizational Assessment  


Comprehensive assessment of your workplace, including input from staff at all levels to identify psychosocial factors impacting the psychological health and safety of employees.  


Implementation Support  


Ongoing support to implement recommendations and enact meaningful change in your workplace for as long as you need it. Our consultants can work with you on everything from employee engagement to policy revisions and strategic planning. For more information and pricing, please call us at 204-982-6100. 

Please contact Manager of Employment and Workplace Solutions at  or call 204-982-6357.

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