CMHA branches across Manitoba offer a variety of services. Our services are informed by CMHA’s Framework for Support and the recovery model as a basis for working with people with mental health illnesses and challenges.
Community Housing with Supports
Community Housing with Supports is a Housing First Service that works with people who have experienced chronic or episodic homelessness to find and keep housing of their choosing in the community.
Housing First is a person-centered approach that helps support individuals who are experiencing chronic homelessness or episodic homelessness. Housing First uses a holistic and harm reduction approach when supporting participants with getting, choosing and keeping housing.
The Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) team is a multidisciplinary team that helps provide wrap around support to individuals who live with persistent mental health concerns and require higher intensity of supports. A holistic, wrap-around model is vital to an individual to live independently in community while ensuring that their mental health needs are being looked after in a person-centered approach.
Rapid Rehousing is a short-term, less intensive program that works with individuals to prevent evictions and avoid homelessness. The program also supports individuals who might require support with securing safe and stable housing.
Intensive Case Management – Using the principles of the Psycho-Social Rehabilitation Model, the team supports participants with different aspects of their lives such as work, social and their community. The goal of ICM with using the PSR model is that participants learn the skills needed to live and work independently in the communities.
Housing First – Individuals who have been experiencing either chronic homelessness or episodic homelessness. Chronic homelessness refers to when an individual is experiencing homelessness for a period of 6 months or longer and are either accessing the shelter system or having to stay outdoors. Episodic homelessness refers to when an individual becomes homeless 3 times within a year and for a month each time.
Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) – Individuals who have persistent mental health concerns that interferes with daily living and achieving a stable life.
Rapid Rehousing – Since the program is short-term (6 to 12 months), the participant must be willing to work towards obtaining the skills to secure and maintain their housing.
Our staff use a holistic approach to identify participant needs and work with participants in collaboration with existing health and social service providers. The team consists of Rehabilitation Workers, Housing Coordinators, Occupational Therapy, Peer Outreach Workers, a Substance Use and Trauma Specialist, Community Outreach and cultural support to assist with supporting participants.
Referrals for Community Housing with Supports can be made through any access point within Naataamooskakowin. To find more information about Naataamooskakowin and where the access points are located, please visit the End Homelessness website. Coordinated Access – End Homelessness Winnipeg
You can contact our Community Housing with Supports team by calling 204-982-6100 or by email at