CMHA branches across Manitoba offer a variety of services. Our services are informed by CMHA’s Framework for Support and the recovery model as a basis for working with people with mental health illnesses and challenges.
Youth Mental Health Promotion
CMHA is dedicated to supporting schools and other community partners in promoting positive mental health, breaking down stigma associated with mental health problems and illness and promoting early help-seeking and recovery.
Thrival Kits
Thrival Kits™ is a mental health promotion program for children in Grades 4 to 6. Thrival Kits™ are shoe-boxed sized kits that students fill with small meaningful items as they complete classroom activities throughout the school year.
The evidence-based activities help children incorporate effective coping strategies and positive mental health practices into their daily lives, strengthen their self-esteem and sense of identity, and build empathy and understanding of one another.
The activities can be customized to suit individual classroom needs, cultural backgrounds of youth, and the skill-level of teachers.
For more information, please visit our Thrival Kits website
Speak Up
Speak Up is a ‘whole school’ based mental health promotion program delivered in classrooms for grades 7-9, and 11 students.
CMHA developed and operates a Train the Trainer model for delivering Speak Up in schools where guidance counsellors, social workers, teachers, and others in similar roles in the education sector deliver the program to students. Several in-person and virtual workshops take place every school year to provide new facilitators the opportunity for training and the continued coaching to deliver the curriculum.
Futures Forward
Futures Forward is designed to help youth reach their goals and fulfill their highest potential. We work with those currently or formerly involved with the child welfare system, aged 15-29. All services offered are free!
Futures Forward is a collaborative partnership between Youth Employment Services (YES), Community Financial Counselling Services (CFCS), and the Canadian Mental Health Association Manitoba and Winnipeg (CMHA).
Visit for more information.
Huddle Broadway
Huddle Broadway is an Integrated Youth Service Hub where youth (and the caring adults in their lives) can find support for mental health, primary health, peer support, indigenous culture and connection and other social services such as housing, finance and more. Huddle is co-produced with youth to be a welcoming space where youth can access the services that they need customized to the uniqueness of the youth experience. Huddle is a safe place to explore who you are, make friends and to get help navigating life’s many challenges. What ever may bring you in, you are in the right place to find the support you need!
Huddle Broadway is a part of a Huddle network across Manitoba, bringing their interconnected web of partners, peers, and agencies together to create new ways of working to meet the unique challenges that each youth may face. CMHA is the lead organization amongst many service partners operating out of Huddle Broadway including, Youth Employment Services (YES), Community Financial Counselling Service (CFCS), Klinic, Shared Health, AFM, EIA, and many Knowledge Keepers, Elders, individual contributors, volunteers, community leaders, peers and others.
Available services can be found on our website at or on our social media at: or
Workshop and presentation topics include Implementing Positive Mental Health Promotion in Schools, Mental Health Literacy for Youth, Language and Stigma.
Our Youth Mental Health Promotion Team can deliver workshops or presentations to school staff, high school or post-secondary students and youth groups.
For information on the cost of workshops, please contact
For workshops outside Winnipeg, mileage fees of $0.45/km will apply.
If you would like to schedule a workshop to be delivered by our Youth Mental Health Promotion team, please contact
Students in grades 4-6, typically from the ages 9-11.
Children are introduced to six themes that feature a variety of mental health promotion activities led by their classroom teacher. The six themes that guide the activities are:
- Understanding the importance of mental health promotion
- Celebrating your gifts, talents, and strengths
- Empowering yourself with knowledge of your human rights
- Feeling grateful for the present and planning dreams for the future
- Respecting yourself and others
- Living mindfully
Classroom Thrival Kits include all the materials, lesson plans, and activity instructions that the classroom teacher requires to facilitate each of the mental health promotion activities. Lesson plans and activity instructions are available online, accessible by teachers to use in audio and videotaped formats. Teachers can select the format that works best for them and their classrooms.
Yes! Students will create their own personalized Thrival Kit that can be used for in-classroom activities as well as take-home practice at the end of the school year. Each personal Thrival Kit contains meaningful materials that are personalized to each student.
The kits are currently being offered free for every Manitoba school enrolled. Quantities may be limited depending on demand.
If you are interested in becoming a facilitator, please contact
Thanks to funding and support from United Way Winnipeg, there is no cost associated with the Speak Up program.
Students’ complete surveys before and after taking Speak Up which provides valuable data for evaluation. Results are very positive for the learning outcomes Speak Up targets:
- 87% of students responded that they did learn something new about mental illness and mental health
- Students reported they would feel less embarrassed if they needed mental health support
- Fewer students believed that people with mental health issues are dangerous or violent during the post test
- Students’ confidence in recognizing symptoms in others and helping individuals with mental health concerns was strengthened
- Youth Service Navigation to help youth plan the transition from youth services to full adult independence
- No cost counselling
- Financial Counselling
- Employment Supports
- Tuition waiver coordination
Futures Forward is a program for youth aged 15-29 who are currently or were formerly involved with the child welfare system.
If you would like to make a referral to the Futures Forward program, please contact: or call 204-982-6100. Youth may also self-refer on the Futures Forward website:
Huddle is a safe space for youth ages 12–29, offering free, trauma-informed and culturally safe health and wellness services in a youth-friendly atmosphere.
Huddle is located at the corner of Broadway and Colony Street—you’ll find us in the first floor of the big black building (West Broadway Commons), with our entrance facing out to Broadway.
533 Broadway (West Broadway Common)
Winnipeg, MB
There are many free events and programs you can join at Huddle Broadway. You’ll find 1-on-1 counselling, peer support, primary health care, substance-use and harm reduction support, health and wellness courses, employment counselling, Indigenous ceremonies, and so much more. Check out the monthly events calendar on our website.
For general and program information:
Phone: 204-228-6387
Or visit our website at
Services Across