CMHA branches across Manitoba offer a variety of services. Our services are informed by CMHA’s Framework for Support and the recovery model as a basis for working with people with mental health illnesses and challenges.
The Portable Housing Benefit program is a rent supplement accompanied by housing supports for low income individuals with a mental health disability. Please call our office at 204-734-2734 for more information about the Portable Housing Benefit.
Supportive Housing
Supportive Housing services are provided in designated apartment buildings in Portage la Prairie, MB. These services are meant to enhance the sense of community and well-being among tenants, help tenants maintain or improve their independence through support and skill teaching, and prevent eviction.
Community Housing with Support
Community Housing with Supports is a Housing First Service that works with people who have experienced chronic or episodic homeless ness to find and keep housing of their choosing in the community.
Fisher Apartments and House of Hope
We know that the first step in recovery is making sure that basic needs are met. To help accomplish our mission, CMHA Central Region owns and operates two apartment buildings in Portage la Prairie, MB.
Emergency Housing
CMHA Central Region operates three emergency suites in Portage la Prairie as part of our commitment to ensure nobody has to live without a home.
Emergency suites are designed for short-term use to provide shelter when no other options are available. We work together with our community partners to identify individuals in need of shelter and provide them with short-term relief and support to find permanent housing.
Our designated sites are
- Stephens Apartments
- Oaktree Towers
- Fisher Apartments (eviction prevention services only)
Individual Support
Supportive housing services are available to individual tenants who require assistance with daily activities like grocery shopping, errands, household maintenance, meal preparation, and attending medical appointments. Our staff utilize a strengths-based approach that makes use of existing skills and provides support to learn new skills. Staff and consumers work collaboratively to solve problems and identify long-term solutions to live independently. Support staff are experienced in providing assistance to individuals with mental health issues as well as individuals who are aging in place.
Group Support
Group activities are provided on a regular basis at each site to promote socialization and provide opportunity for shared learning. These activities focus on skill development (e.g. budgeting, nutrition, conflict resolution), recreation, leisure, and socialization.
Supportive housing staff provide short-term case management for tenants that are at risk of eviction as a result of a mental health issue.
We know that when intervention occurs early, eviction can usually be prevented. Eviction prevention services focus on identifying the root cause of the tenant-landlord issue and creating a concrete plan to solve the problem. This plan could include obtaining treatment for a mental illness, skill teaching and coaching, or referral to other community resources.
Tenants are eligible for services if they reside in one of the buildings mentioned above. Referrals can be completed by a community service provider or by a tenant themselves. Please download and submit a copy of the referral form to our office.
A housing first services involves moving people experiencing chronic or episodic homelessness rapidly from the street or emergency shelters into stable and long-term housing, with supports.
Individuals who have or are experiencing chronic or episodic homelessness and need support finding and keeping housing of their choosing.
The service aids participants to locate housing, establish their household, and maintain their housing with supportive services.
Our staff use a holistic approach to identify participant needs and work with participants in collaboration with existing health and social service providers. Participants are supported by a team consisting of Rehabilitation Workers, a Housing Coordinator, an Occupational Therapist, and Peer Outreach Workers.
Yes, Participants in the Community Housing with Supports program may also have access an additional rental subsidy through the Portable Housing Benefit (PHB). Eligibility for the PHB includes:
- Individuals enrolled on Employment and Income Assistance as a person with a mental health disability
- Individuals who have an unstable or unaffordable housing situation that is interfering with their progress in recovery and positive participation in community
- Individuals who remain engaged in CHS services while receiving the benefit
To apply for services, please arrange for an appointment with our Housing Coordinator by calling 204-239-6590.
The Fisher Apartments were constructed in 2012 and contain 20 units, including studio, 1 bedroom, 2 bedroom, and wheelchair accessible suites.
House of Hope was constructed in 2015 and contains 8 studio apartments.
For more information, please contact us at 204239-6590.
Yes, a portion of our apartments are classified as “transitional housing” which means that they are meant for individuals transitioning from homelessness or transient housing to permanent housing. Tenants living in transitional housing can stay for up to 3 years while they learn skills and take steps toward living an independent and integrated life in the community.
Tenants applying to live in either building can access a rental subsidy through Manitoba Housing. Eligible tenants can have their out-of-pocket rental expenses reduced to as low as $285 per month, depending on their income.
- Download or pick up a copy of our application form. (
- Make an appointment with our Housing Coordinator to discuss your application. At this appointment you’ll be asked some additional questions to help us prioritize your application based on need.
- Once your application is approved, your name will remain on the waiting list if we don’t have a vacancy. Please keep in touch if anything about your situation changes (i.e. contact information, urgency of need, etc.)
- When a suite is available we’ll get in touch and proceed with the remainder of the application process which includes: signing a lease, applying for a rental subsidy, and completing any other payment related paperwork
Each emergency suite is designed for one individual or couple and contains a bed and private bathroom.
Staying in an emergency suite is not the same as renting an apartment. We consider those staying in emergency suites our guests, and ask that as our guests, we ask that they agree to cooperate with the following rules:
- Alcohol, substance, or inhalant use is not allowed in the unit or on CMHA property
- To maintain a safe environment for tenants of the adjoining building, conduct or actions that are harmful, unsafe, or threatening to self or others will not be tolerated
- Visitors are not allowed in the suites. While we encourage connecting with friends, family, and other support services, please do so at a separate location
- For the safety of tenants, emergency suite guests may not enter the Fisher Apartment building or House of Hope apartment units
- To ensure your safety, CMHA staff and other authorities (e.g. RCMP, EMS) reserve the right to enter an emergency suites at any time without notice
- Please do not tamper with locks, fire alarms, or smoke detectors
We charge $65 per night, a weekly rental rate of $225.00 and a full months’ rent, $575.00. to stay in an emergency suite. This cost can often be covered by Employment and Income Assistance (when eligible). Individual exceptions can be made if circumstances require.
- To inquire about emergency suite availability please contact our Tenant Coordinator and Housing Manager-Christina Allingham at
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