CHS Campaign

News Story 

In the fall of 2023, CMHA Manitoba and Winnipeg announced the expansion of our Community Housing with Supports program.  This critical service has a proven track record assisting people living with mental illness and substance use issues who have experienced homeless, to find and keep housing of their choosing in the community. 

This Housing First service helps people find safe housing AND get settled into a place to call home.

CMHAs Across Manitoba use every tool available to rapidly transition people from the street or emergency shelter into stable and long-term housing with dedicated supports.  Our staff and valued community health and social service partners assist people to rebuild their lives in the community.  Donations to the CHS Getting Settled Campaign will provide practical support, such as critical household items that will have an immediate impact. 

Over 500,000 Canadians living with a mental illness or addiction are inadequately housed.  You can change that today with your one time or monthly gift.   

To date we have raised over $10k on track to meet our goal of $25K that will make a difference in 200 lives.

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